"Outdoor events popular for decades in the Pentland Hills have been cancelled this year due to new restrictions and price demands from a secretive land manager’s group and the Ministry of Defence."
A very good article on this land access issue:
Interestingly, there may be room for running smaller events without the landowners permission; the official guidance for outdoor events, "The Scottish Outdoor Access Code is the key reference source for event organisers." says that land owners/managers require to be notified only if any of the following is true:
-Car parking, fencing, toilets, litter bins, marquees, roped off areas, marked courses or signs are required
-Likely to unreasonably hinder land management operations
-Likely to unreasonably interfere with other people’s enjoyment
-Likely to unreasonably affect the environment
So there may be room to run (no pun intended), small events without needing to inform the landowners, pay the 'per competitor' charge, or fill in the onourous (clearly designed to put people off) paperwork.
It seems there will be no outdoors events left in the country if the landowners continue to effectively block them.