What is the Fediverse?

You’ve probably seen it on social media and in headlines around the web in the last few years: the fediverse. I use it, primarily Mastodon, which you can see on this page at the bottom right. But what is the fediverse, really? In this first episode of the Fediverse Files, designer, illustrator, and fediverse expert ‪@DocPop‬ explains exactly what the fediverse is so that you can jump in today to start building community and sharing content.

The A.I. Bubble is Bursting

These guys get it!
"Big tech is betting tens of billions of dollars on AI being the next big thing, but what if it isn't? ChatGPT burns obscene amounts of cash daily with little return, Google's AI dispenses useless and sometimes dangerous advice, and a recent study showed that tech companies will soon run out of new training data to improve their AI models. If AI is really so costly, unreliable, and limited, what happens to the industry that has bet so big on it?"

Misconceptions about Firefox's Privacy Preserving Ad Measurement

This is a good article by Andrew Moore about the new Firefox privacy changes which are angering a lot of people

"Mozilla's Privacy Preserving Attribution is an important step forward towards eliminating invasive tracking by AdTech companies. Unfortunately, it is being loudly contested by individuals that prefer to spread fear instead of learning about it."


Poolsuite FM

Poolsuite is your ultimate destination for leisure on the internet. At Poolsuite, the sun never sets, and it's summer all year round! Whether you're looking for relaxation, entertainment, or a touch of elegance, in the digital or the physical world — they has it all.

An Internet radio service primarily playing dance-pop music using a retro style user interface.


Pentland Land Manager Association (PLMA) sees events cancelled .

"Outdoor events popular for decades in the Pentland Hills have been cancelled this year due to new restrictions and price demands from a secretive land manager’s group and the Ministry of Defence."

A very good article on this land access issue:

Interestingly, there may be room for running smaller events without the landowners permission; the official guidance for outdoor events, "The Scottish Outdoor Access Code is the key reference source for event organisers." says that land owners/managers require to be notified only if any of the following is true: